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Activity Sheets

Tracing Numbers Activity Sheet for Toddlers

Tracing Numbers Activity Sheet for Toddlers: 1-10

Introduce your toddler to the world of numbers with our Tracing Numbers Activity Sheet for Toddlers! This delightful sheet features numbers 1 through 10, allowing young learners to trace each digit as they develop their writing skills.

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Reversible and Irreversible Changes

Reversible and Irreversible Changes

Matter can change its state when heat, cold, or pressure is applied . Below each example, write if the change that occurred is reversible or irreversible

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Phonics Activity Sheet: Long E Vowel Sounds

Phonics Activity Sheet: Long E Vowel Sounds

Enhance your child's phonics skills with our Long E Vowel Activity Sheet! This engaging resource focuses on the long E sound, featuring fun activities such as word matching, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and coloring tasks. Instruction - Look and write "ee" or "ea"

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Phonics Activity Sheet: Long A Vowel Sounds

Phonics Activity Sheet: Long A Vowel Sounds

Look and write "ai" or "ay"

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Lowercase Alphabet Tracing Activity Sheet for Kids

Lowercase Alphabet Tracing Activity Sheet for Kids

Practice your lowercase letter writing in the apples below. When finished color the apples that contain vowels using the color green.

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Matching Fractions Activity Sheet

Matching Fractions Activity Sheet

Instructions - Draw lines to connect the word, the number, and the picture form of each fraction. The first one has been done for you.

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Name That Polygon! Activity Sheet for Kids

Can you name these polygons according to the number of their sides?

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Cookie Fractions Activity Sheet for Kids

Cookie Fractions Activity Sheet for Kids

Dive into the tasty world of fractions with our Cookie Fractions Activity Sheet for Kids! This interactive sheet features adorable cookie images to help children learn about fractions in a fun and relatable way. Instructions - For each of the circles below please write on the line the fraction of the cookie that was eaten.

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Mass Estimation Activity Sheet: Circle the Sensible Measure

Get ready to estimate with our Mass Estimation Activity Sheet for Kids! This interactive sheet presents a series of objects, asking children to circle the most sensible measure for each one. Designed to help students develop their reasoning and estimation skills, it encourages them to think critically about weight and mass in a real-world context.

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